By Dr. Marita P. Quimlat

Thirty-six Persons with Special Needs (PSN) from 6 of the 11 parishes belonging to Cluster 5 of the Gilean Ministry of the Archdiocese of Caceres participated in the recent Second Gilean Living Rosary. The activity was held at the Holy Rosary Major Seminary Auditorium on October 13.
The program started at three in the afternoon with Rev. Fr. Jaime Danilo Ll Viola, Archdiocesan Gilean Ministry Director giving a short talk on the Sacrament of Reconciliation and hearing the confession of the PSNs. He was later joined by Rev. Fr. Elmer A. Pandes, Asst. Ministry Director. After an hour, Frs. Viola and Pandes presided over the Eucharistic Celebration. In his homily, Fr. Viola stressed the importance of regular daily prayer in our spiritual lives and how it saves us from temptation.
After the mass and a short break, the PSNs were joined by their guardians and parish ministry coordinators to compose the 60 participants of the Living Rosary. Lights were dimmed to allow the candles take the form of a rosary. Amidst the holy silence, the voices of the prayer leaders led by Maria de los Santos and Carmel Tojon as well as the choir with Fr. Viola at the keyboards resonated in the solemn atmosphere.
Rev. Fr Marcel Emmanuel DP. Real, Director of Caritas-Caceres, dropped by to greet and give an inspiring message to the participants.