The National Association of Parish PREX Secretariat (NAPPS) conducted a Parish Renewal Experience (PREX) Speakers’ Workshop on March 18 and 19 at the Lay Formation Center, Basilica Complex, Balatas, Naga City.
The NAPPS Chair Couple, Alex and Lucille Alindogan, led the workshop together with other speakers who came to Naga.
A total of 78 participants from 15 parishes of the Archdiocese of Caceres were mentored during the workshop. From these, there are now 27 PREX speakers who can give talks.
“The workshop aimed to train speakers for PREX by reminding them of the purpose of the talks, showing the relationships of the talks, and guiding the participants how to deliver talks,” said Fr. Gerome Pelagio, spiritual director of PREX in Caceres.
Various talks to realize the objectives were given for two days. On Day 1, March 18, the talks were: Spiritual Preparation of a PREX Speaker by Dimple Verzosa; Interrelationships of Talks by Beth Perez; Components of a Talk by Chato Realuyo; How to write a Talk by Alex and Lucille Alindogan; How to deliver a Talk by Lucy Mendoza; and Tips in Critiquing by Nolin de Pedro. Workshops on writing of talks and dry runs were conducted.
Day 2 was devoted to dry runs after which Matet Reyes shared on Tips in Summing-up and Lucy Mendoza wrapped -up the two-day speakers’ workshop .
58 out of the 92 parishes in the Archdiocese of Caceres has had Parish Renewal Experience.
-- Myrna Bermudo
(Photo: The facilitators of Parish Renewal Experience Speakers’ Workshop from the National Association of Parish PREX Secretariat were welcomed by the Archdiocese of Caceres PREX Secretariat led by Fr. Gerome Pelagio, spiritual director, at Jimmy and Tang’s Restaurant, Liboton, Naga City on March 17. The workshop was held on March 18-19 at the Lay Formation Center. (Photo by Archdiocesan of Caceres Office of Mission and Evangelization )